Our Services

Affinity — новинка косметологии!

Affinity — новинка косметологии! Уход, борьба со старением, лечение проблемной кожи. Метод омоложения и лечения кожи Affinity – последнее достижение эстетической косметологии в уходе за кожей, борьбой с её старением и заболеваниями. Аппарат Affinity создан в Израиле доктором наук и изобретателем из Казани Михаилом Тавгером. Двадцать лет его компания выводит на мировой косметологический рынок революционные […]

Скандинавская ходьба в Казани

Скандинавская ходьба становится все популярнее и в Казани. Это не развлечение, не простая прогулка по городу, а серьезный вид фитнеса для укрепления здоровья, увеличения общего тонуса мышц и- что немаловажно для многих казанцев- эта «ходьба с лыжными палками» очень полезна для похудения. Как разновидность фитнеса этот вид ходьбы появился почти семьдесят лет назад в Финляндии, […]

Гирудотерапия в Казани

Гирудотерапия ​ Что такое гирудотерапия? Гирудотерапия (от латинского “hirudo” — пиявка) — лечение пиявками. Оно применялось еще за тысячу лет до рождества Христова. Медицинские пиявками пользовались египетские фараоны, упоминание о пиявках имеется и в Библии, и Коране. Позднее с помощью пиявок облегчали страдания своим пациентам великие врачи Гиппократ, Гален и Авиценна. В средневековой Европе пиявки считались апробированным и официально признанным средством лечения многих болезней. В 1665 году даже вышел научный трактат […]

Carboxytherapy (gas injections) for your back and joints!

Recent offer in the sanatorium “Nehama”! Pneumopuncture, carboxytherapy or, in other words, gas injections are by right considered one of the most effective methods of spine and joints diseases treatment. This is a modern, innovative technology, which is applied with great success in the best clinics of Czech Republic and Slovakia! The basic principle of […]


Mesotherapy, face cleansing, peeling, bio-revitalization, hyperhidrosis treatment, hirudo-plastics, various body wraps (chocolate, yoghurt, berries, seaweed, mud), carboxotherapy, top-lifting, drawing up of individual programs for weight loss, depilation, micro-needling, D ‘Arsonval of face and much more …. Mesotherapy is actively applied to prevent aging of the skin and slow down the aging. It tightens the skin […]

Bio-resonance body test

Unique diagnostics – Bio-resonance testing. Why is it necessary? It helps to identify the disease at an early stage, as well as the hidden flow of pathological processes of organs and body systems. It is especially important to carry out this test, if you have a range of complaints, the cause of which is difficult […]


Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation medicine, aimed at providing assistance to patients for the purpose of recovery and improvement of their physical activity. What is physiotherapy? Physical therapy in Greek means “treatment by forces of nature”. At present almost every clinic has a facility for similar therapy. Physiotherapy embraces also treatment of diseases, pain […]


Balneotherapy – (“balneum” means bath, bathing in Latin + «therapeia» means treatment in Greek) is a use of natural and artificially prepared mineral water for prevention and treatment of various diseases and for medical rehabilitation. Balneotherapy includes an external application of bath — for intracavitary procedures (gastric, intestinal, vaginal and other irrigation and washing). This […]

Underwater spine traction

Underwater horizontal spine traction is used in treatment and prevention of various spine diseases, produces analgesic effect, reduces muscle tension, increases range of motion. It is recommended at a “chronic fatigue” syndrome to improve the skin condition, lose weight and get rid of cellulite. Underwater spine traction or traction therapy — is one of the […]

Massage and physiotherapy

No remedial measures for diseases of the musculoskeletal system give such effect as massages and physiotherapy. They prevent the development of pathological processes, help restore health relatively quickly, and then significantly strengthen it. Even Avicenna in his book “The Canon of Medicine” wrote that “the most important thing in health preservation is physical exercise and […]

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