For old people

Care for elderly relatives sometimes becomes burdensome, as those who care are sometimes too busy; besides, there may be problems of medical and psychological nature characteristic of the elderly age grade.

Often the circumstances are such that you need to go somewhere, but it is not possible and leave an elderly relative alone with a memory disease or disorder. But for you it is simply impossible to be all the time by the side of people requiring constant care.  It is very difficult to find professional nurses, which could replace you for some period of time; furthermore it is often dangerous, as great is the chance of becoming a victim of scams and non-professionals.

Hotel resort “Regina” and the Health resort “Nehama” is ready to help in resolving this problem.

Country-side hotel complex “Regina”, located in the picturesque forest area of the village Petrovsky (the city of Kazan) will take care whenever it is required of your relatives who need constant attendance.

Your relatives will stay in comfortable rooms with all facilities and three meals a day (it is possible to deliver food into the room).

Qualified personnel of “Nehama” center will carry out competent care and medical examination of the elderly clients.

As for leisure time of the older age group clients, we offer walks in the fresh air along the forest lake, the mini-library of the center, a swimming pool.

For an additional fee it is also possible to pass a number of medical, rehabilitation and wellness treatments in different areas (cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, post-operative and post-traumatic recovery).

Call us 8 (843) 223-06-39

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